Four Seasons Travel, Inc. and selected tour operators are acting as an intermediary and agent for suppliers (“principles identified on provided itinerary or documents”) in selling services which are not directly supplied by Four Seasons Travel, Inc. or the selected tour operators, such as air carriage, hotel accommodations, ground transportation, cruise passage, meals, tours, etc. Four Seasons Travel, Inc. and selected tour operators expressly disclaim responsibility for the acts or omissions of suppliers which result in loss, damage, delay or injury to the group or individual(s) contracting through Four Seasons Travel, Inc. and selected tour operators for the services of such suppliers, or to any individual within the group or travel party.
Neither Four Seasons Travel, Inc. nor selected tour operators will be responsible for any injuries, damages or losses caused to any group member or individual(s) in connection with terrorist activities, social or labor unrest, mechanical or construction difficulties, disease, local laws, climatic conditions, abnormal conditions or developments, or any other actions, omissions, or conditions outside the control of Four Seasons Travel, Inc. or selected tour operators. By embarking upon group or individual travel, the group or individual assumes all such risks, and is advised to purchase appropriate insurance coverage. Group or individual retention of tickets, reservations, or bookings after issuance shall constitute consent of the above, and an agreement with the group director or leader will convey the contents hereto to all individuals or group members involved. In the event that it becomes necessary or advisable for any reason whatsoever to alter the arrangements, Four Seasons Travel, Inc. or selected tour operators may make such alterations, after prior consultation with, and with the consent of, the tour organizer or individual(s). All rates are based on tariff and tour costs in effect as of date of booking and are subject to confirmation when final payment is received from the group or individual(s) by Four Seasons Travel, Inc. and selected tour operators.